Qualifications for Alumni-Elected Regents
Candidates must meet the qualifications established in the Certificate of Formation, Bylaws and Guidelines for all members of the Baylor University Board of Regents, as amended from time to time by Baylor, including the following:
- Candidates must be Baylor graduates and committed Christians who have accepted Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior, active members of a Baptist church or a local church from a historic Christian tradition, and living in a manner that demonstrates their commitment to Him;
- Candidates will be required to have actively demonstrated their deep appreciation for Baylor, its unique role in higher education and Baptist life, and its indebtedness to its Baptist founders and Texas Baptist churches;
- Candidates must be willing and able to contribute their time, talent, and financial means to strengthen and move Baylor forward;
- Candidates must be supported by a nomination from one of the various advisory or advocacy boards and groups associated with Baylor (e.g., academic school advisory groups, student life advisory group, endowment investment committee, etc.), a petition signed by at least fifty (50) other Baylor graduates, or be appointed by the Committee;
- Candidates must complete an application including the following:
- A personal statement of faith;
- A letter of recommendation from a minister at the candidate’s local church, preferably the senior minister, discussing the candidate’s faith commitment and addressing whether the candidate is an active and faithful member and other matters discussed in this section, or submit a similar letter of recommendation from another minister or person in full-time Christian service who is familiar with the candidate;
- A statement certifying his or her willingness to support Baylor’s mission and core values, including shared governance, academic freedom, and the integration of academic excellence with Christian commitment;
- Candidates for the election will certify before their name is selected by the Committee the following:
- Candidates will not run on specific issues, but on their accomplishments and experiences, and their interest in serving Baylor. Candidates will not engage in campaign activity outside of the communication efforts established and supported by the University.
- Candidates will not solicit, use or publicize, any endorsement from Baylor, any advisory and advocacy boards and groups associated with Baylor, or any boards or groups independent of Baylor.
- Candidates will not solicit or use third party funds, resources, contact or mailing lists, or other aide or assistance in the election process. Candidates will discourage third parties from engaging in campaign activities on their behalf.
- Candidates understand the University, the President of Baylor and the members of the President’s Executive Council are not permitted to participate in funding, endorsing or opposing any candidate.
- Baylor will publish candidate profiles to present comparable information about each candidate, approved by the candidates, and included with the ballot material.
- Amendments to the qualifications for Alumni-Elected Regents will be applicable to all voting Regents. Amendments to the qualifications cannot be made to give the Baylor University Board of Regents a right to pre-approve or veto Alumni-Elected Regent candidates in a manner inconsistent with these procedures. By way of example and not limitation, the qualifications could not be amended to include a requirement that a candidate receive the approval of the Baylor University Board of Regents, any committee of the Baylor University Board of Regents, or the Chair of the Baylor University Board of Regents, other than the Nominating Committee, as set out herein.
In addition to the qualifications above, this portion of the Procedures for Elections of Alumni-Elected Regents are worth noting.
- All undergraduate and graduate alumni of Baylor are eligible for election as Alumni-Elected Regents, with the following exceptions:
- Members of the faculty or staff of the University and members of their immediate families are not eligible;
- An individual who had previously been nominated for election but not elected by alumni may be nominated a second time, but an interval of five years must elapse before the second nomination;
- Members of the immediate family of the President, the President’s Executive Council, or any other Regent are not eligible;
- Members of the Nominating Committee and their immediate family are not eligible.